final_ad_2014_entry_level_civil_construction.pdf |

2014_final_june_academy_application_4_pages.pdf |
CRSD Guidance & Counseling |
Glennallen Office: 907.822.5286 / Kenny Lake Office: 907.822.3870
Students 17 years and older with a diploma or GED can apply for this academy. This is a great way to get started in construction, heavy equipment operator, or mechanic work. The program runs June 3-20. An application and additional information can be found below. ![]()
The Irene Tansy Memorial Scholarship is available to graduating seniors of Kenny Lake School. For information, please visit the Ahtna Heritage Foundation website by clicking here. Due May 9th at 5 pm.
The Glennallen School PTO Scholarship will recognize one senior from the Class of 2014 with a $500 scholarship. Applications are due May 2nd. Please find application information below. Due May 2nd! ![]()
The Copper River School District will award a $500.00 scholarship to a graduating Copper River School District senior who will enter any course which leads to a certificate or degree during 2013. Further information can be found in the two documents below. Due May 13, 2013! ![]()
This is an opportunity to learn about construction and heavy equipment; Dates are June 4-21; training is in Delta. You must be 17 or older and possess a high school diploma or GED and driver's license. For more information click here. Application documents are below. Due May 10th. ![]()
This scholarship is in Memory of Adrina Louise Knutson (February 16, 1991-August 6, 2012) to promote positive, passionate living. It is currently available to Copper River School District graduates from 2009 through 2013. It will also be available in the future to seniors who graduate from the Copper River School District in 2014 and 2015. Please find all the information you will need to apply in the documents below. Due May 3rd. ![]()
Are you interested in leadership? Business? Having fun? Earning two college credits? At this week-long program you will work with business executives to write a business strategy, defend your business plan, earn college credits, and meet top business leaders. Program runs June 1-June 8. For more information, click here. Applications are due May 15th!
The Tim Akers Memorial Scholarship Fund supports outstanding Alaskan students in the pursuit of technology education and/or training. The Tim Akers Memorial Scholarship will provide an award of $1,000.00. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Click here for more information. Due May 31st!
The CHS Foundation offers three scholarship programs that focus on developing future leaders in agribusiness and production agriculture. Here are the programs offered:
PowerSchool Categories
April 2019