american_legion_scholarship.pdf |
CRSD Guidance & Counseling |
Glennallen Office: 907.822.5286 / Kenny Lake Office: 907.822.3870
The American Legion scholarship is open to all seniors planning to pursue further education. Please submit your completed application to the Legion by April 30th. Application is attached below. ![]()
As your local telecommunications service provider, it is our pleasure to offer this national scholarship program to the students of the Valdez and Copper Basin School Districts. Should a student from one of our service areas be selected to receive one of the scholarships ($2,000), we will contribute an additional $500 to the scholarship, bringing the total one-time scholarship award to $2,500. Students may also be eligible for four FRS Staurulakis Family Scholarships valued at $5,000 each or for two TMS Scholarships at $1,500 each. Students who are majoring in math, science, engineering, or medicine are given preference for the FRS Staurulakis Family Scholarships. Additional scholarships include the Everett Kneece Return to Rural America Scholarship, valued at $7,000. Applications must be signed by a CVT representative and postmarked by March 1st.
Click here for an application. Copper Valley Telecom Scholarship
CVT will be offering $11,000 in scholarships ($5,500 in each district) to be made available to graduating seniors in the Valdez and Copper Basin School Districts, including Tatitlek and Mentasta, whose parents or guardians are members of CVTC (to be considered a member, customers must have landline telephone service with CVT). The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, March 24th at 6:00 p.m. Winners of the scholarship(s) will be announced at CVT's annual meetings and again at graduation. Click here for the application. Just a reminder to seniors planning to attend any UA campus to apply for the scholarships which are due Feb. 15th. You must apply for admission and complete the FAFSA, along with the scholarship application, by Feb. 15th. See the post I made on January 12th for the links to the scholarships.
Due AIn 2010, the Copper River Watershed Project released a new scholarship program for seniors from the Copper River watershed who are graduating and pursuing continued education that will benefit the culture, environment, or economy of the region.
Two $1000 scholarships will be awarded annually in the spring to one graduating student from a school in the Copper Basin (Glennallen, Kenny Lake or Slana High Schools) and one graduating student from Cordova High School. Homeschool students in the region are also eligible to apply as well as students who have spent a significant portion of their schooling in the Copper River watershed but might not be graduating from a school in the region. Click here for application information. Due April 7th. Seniors planning to go into an agricultural field of study can apply for this scholarship. The due date is March 29th. Click here for further information.
fPlease see the attached scholarship application to high school seniors interested in pursuing a degree in engineering. Through our Alaska Engineering Education Foundation (AEEF) and Anchorage Engineers Week we fund several scholarships. There are two AEEF scholarships awarded state-wide--one for $2000 through AEEF, awarded as $1000 over a two-year period and a second, from ASPE is $1500. There are also several awards offered at the local level through our annual Engineers Week celebration. The number and amounts of those scholarships vary depending on the amount of money raised during our fundraising efforts. Last year, there were over $30,000 dollars in scholarships were awarded and some single scholarships were over $4,000! This one application will place a student in consideration for MULTIPLE scholarships.
To help encourage more participation from the rural school districts, we have created two pools for evaluation. Students in the Anchorage, Mat-Su, and Kenai Peninsula school districts will be evaluated separately from other students in southcentral Alaska. This means that small school students will be competing against other small school students. So please encourage your students to apply! Attached is the 2017 scholarship application. Applicants must use the 2017 application to qualify for an award. Please note that the deadline for submittal is January 20, 2017. Winners will be announced the week of February 19. Students must plan on attending an ABET accredited engineering program and the funds will be sent to the financial aid office of the college or university. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you or your students have any questions or if I can be of any help. The application is also posted on our foundation webpage (http://alaskaeef.org/scholarships/). I appreciate your help in getting our application out to all seniors considering engineering who might benefit from additional funding assistance. In 2017, the CVEA Community Foundation will offer one $2,000 General Scholarship and one Youth Rally Leadership Camp Scholarship in each district. "The $2,000 General Scholarship is the largest scholarship ever given by the CVEACF. The Board is excited to offer this substantial amount of money to help a qualifying student in each district reach their educational goals." The General Scholarship is merit based; scores will be equally weighted among four categories: education, community involvement, future education/career goals, and financial need. The Idaho Youth Rally Scholarship provides an opportunity for sophomores and juniors attending high schools in our service area to attend a week-long electric industry leadership camp where students practice leadership, communication skills, and teamwork, while learning the importance of the electric industry and issues electric utilities are facing. The deadline for submitting completed scholarship appication packets is 5 p.m., Friday, February 24, 2017. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Sharon Crisp at 822-5506, 835-7005, or email [email protected]. Click here for application information. This course, taught via WebEx from the Alaska Vocational Technical Institute, is a great opportunity for juniors or seniors interested in maritime careers. Cost is $268 for the course. Please see the flyer below. You can also click here for more details. Registration deadline is January 10th. ![]()
PowerSchool Categories
April 2019