Native American students pursuing a degree in Natural Resources can apply for this scholarship. Click here for details. Due January 18th.
I have arranged a presentation on the FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) and other financial aid/scholarship processes by Krystal Crawford from the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education. It will be Tuesday, Nov. 15th at 530 pm. It will be a WebEx meeting, which means you can participate by going to Kenny Lake School, Glennallen School, or from your own computer. You will need an invitation link via email and a phone so that you can call in to receive the audio. If you wish to join via your own computer, send me an email and I'll get the meeting link to you ([email protected]). The FAFSA is an important document for anyone going on for training after high school. Krystal will walk you through the application. You will need a copy of your 2015 taxes.
Method Test Prep is a great tool students can use to prepare for the SAT and ACT exams. To access, students log on to their Career Cruising account (; click on My Plan under the student's name; click on Method Test Prep in the lower left hand corner.
Preview Days are a great way to get to know UAF! They have one October 28th and March 10th. Click here to get more information.
Our local VFW is sponsoring this essay contest, and students will have the opportunity to win rewards at our local level. Top essays will then go on to a state and national competition. Application details are attached. If you have any questions, contact me and I'll get you in touch with our local contest coordinator. Due Nov. 1st. ![]()
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a test for students considering the military, will be administered at Glennallen School on Monday, October 24th starting at 850 am. Contact Mr. Lorence if you are interested.
FREE Webinar – Wednesday November 16 – 8-9 PM Eastern (4-5 pm Alaska time)Searching for the right college or university can be a daunting task, with many variables like location, size, academic emphasis, cost, research opportunities, and extracurricular activities to consider. Register by clicking here.
The Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an important document for seniors that are planning to go on for college or career training next year to complete. The new changes for this year allow it to be completed between October 1, 2016 and June 30, 2018 for the 2017-18 school year. You will need your tax return for 2015 to complete the document.
Click here to get additional information on the new FAFSA changes. Click here to start a new FAFSA. Please contact me with any questions! This scholarship is open to students planning to study for a career related to law (e.g. lawyer, paralegal, VSO). Details can be found in the attachment below. Due Dec. 12th. ![]()
A free practice tool to help you prepare for the SAT is available at the Khan Academy. Click here to check it out!
PowerSchool Categories
April 2019