Note: Students that have participated in the past can apply to be a student leader. See the student leader flyer below.

2016crspapplication.pdf |

studentleaderflyer2016.pdf |

20160211crsprecruitmentsheet.pdf |
CRSD Guidance & Counseling |
Glennallen Office: 907.822.5286 / Kenny Lake Office: 907.822.3870
Students currently in grades 8-12 can apply for this program that gives you the opportunity to float the Copper River from Chitina to Cordova June 27-July 8. Students also earn .5 high school credit for successful completion of the program. This is a tremendous opportunity that you won't want to miss! Application materials can be found below. Due March 30th. Note: Students that have participated in the past can apply to be a student leader. See the student leader flyer below. ![]()
Hey, students!Be sure to check your GRADE LEVEL page for additional scholarships, awards, and opportunities. Categories
May 2018