Juniors and sophomores wanting to take the Practice SAT need to pay $16 to the main office. This is a great opportunity to practice your test taking skills and prepare for both the SAT and ACT. We will proctor the test Wednesday morning from 11-3:10.
College bound juniors, as well as seniors needing to improve their previous scores, have two opportunities to test yet this year. I highly encourage juniors to take at least one of these tests, and both if possible. For students desiring to qualify for the Alaska Performance Scholarship, you need to earn a qualifying test score. The test schedule is attached. Note that the registration deadline for the April 14 ACT is soon--March 9th! The final day to register for the May 5th SAT is April 6th. Everything you need to apply is found in the attachment. If you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, email me as I can get you a fee waiver. ![]()
This is an excellent summer program opportunity for our high school juniors and seniors.
Dates of RAHI six-week program: May 29 – July 13, 2018 Click here for a link to the RAHI website. ![]()
WISE is currently accepting applications for two programs for High School age youth which also earn credit with Copper River School District. Copper River Stewardship Program is a 10-day exploration of the entire watershed with a group of youth from communities all over the watershed. We will learn about ecology, resource management, and communication while travelling via a wide variety of means as we explore the Copper River Watershed and Prince William Sound. A highlight will be two days on a sailboat crossing the sound and learning about the legacy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. We'll also explore the interior Boreal Forest and the Temperate Rainforest, and learn about a wide variety of issues affecting the watershed. More information and Application available at: http://www.wise-edu.org/copper-river-stewardship-program.html Due March 31st. Our brand new Outdoor and Wilderness Leadership Skills (OWLS) Program will help youth prepare for jobs in the outdoors including scientists, guides, resource managers, interpreters, and more. Through two expeditions and a variety of self-directed activities, youth will learn to take care of themselves and their teammates in the outdoors, plan and lead trips, and apply a stewardship ethic to everything they do. They will also earn a half credit in College and Career Readiness graduation requirement. Due May 1st. ![]()
The ASVAB will be given at Glennallen School at 840 am, and it will be given at Slana School in the afternoon. Let Mr. Lorence know if you are interested.
The mining industry is a tremendous career field with great opportunity. This course is a great way for you to gain experience in this field. The deadline to apply has been extended to Jan. 29th. There is no cost to you. See Mr. Lorence if you are interested!
In 2018, the CVEA Community Foundation will offer one Youth Rally Leadership Camp Scholarship in each district.
The Idaho Youth Rally Scholarship provides an opportunity for sophomores and juniors attending high schools in our service area to attend a week-long electric industry leadership camp where students practice leadership, communication skills, and teamwork, while learning the importance of the electric industry and issues electric utilities are facing. The deadline for submitting completed scholarship appication packets is 5 p.m., Friday, February 23, 2018. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Sharon Crisp at 822-5506, 835-7005, or email [email protected]. Click here for information you will need to apply. The Copper River Basin Job Fair will be held at the American Legion Hall in Glennallen on January 17th from 10 am to 3 pm. Employers attending include: Ahtna, Inc. Princess Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Copper River Native Association BLM Tazlina Forestry Ahtna Heritage Foundation Army Recruiting Alaska Laborers Training School Connecting Ties Copper Valley Air Service & Wrangell Mountain Air See the flyer below for further details. ![]()
We are looking for motivated high school students who are looking toward a career in Mining. This exciting opportunity offers students a chance to learn about the mining industry and advance toward a career with financial help along the way. The Intro to Mining Occupations & Operations is a dual-credit UAS/HS course designed to educate young Alaskans on the available careers in the mining industry. Scholarships are generously provided by Greens Creek for accepted students. Without taking up too much of your time, there's more info at http://uas.alaska.edu/cmt/ In the Spring Semester (Jan. 29 – Apr. 25) of 2018 the University of Alaska Southeast will be offering Introduction to Mining Occupations and Operations. This course will be offered in two formats: face-to-face course and synchronous online course available statewide Full university tuition will be paid for each accepted student and 3 college credits will be earned upon completion (High School students who take this course will also receive .5 high school credits). Course fees and UAS Tech Prep fees will be paid for each of these students. There is no cost to the student or school district. This class is the first step along the Pathway to a mining career. From here several students will be able to attend the Hecla Greens Creek Mine Academy which will be held at the Center for Mine Training on our Juneau campus. This course also has scholarships available. Additionally, students will receive MSHA safety training, learn maneuvers and driving skills in our simulator, have an opportunity to job shadow at a mine, and meet with HR personnel. Please remind students of the deadline, January 29th, 2018. See Mr. Lorence if you are interested! ![]()
Attached is a flyer for the U.S. Air Force Academy Summer Seminar program. This is for any high school junior with interest in commissioning as a military officer , particularly those considering attending a Service Academy. The application period for this program closes January 15. You can also click here for additional information. ![]()