The Intro to Mining Occupations & Operations is a dual-credit UAS/HS course designed to educate young Alaskans on the available careers in the mining industry. Scholarships are generously provided by Greens Creek for accepted students. Without taking up too much of your time, there's more info at
In the Spring Semester (Jan. 29 – Apr. 25) of 2018 the University of Alaska Southeast will be offering Introduction to Mining Occupations and Operations. This course will be offered in two formats: face-to-face course and synchronous online course available statewide Full university tuition will be paid for each accepted student and 3 college credits will be earned upon completion (High School students who take this course will also receive .5 high school credits). Course fees and UAS Tech Prep fees will be paid for each of these students. There is no cost to the student or school district.
This class is the first step along the Pathway to a mining career. From here several students will be able to attend the Hecla Greens Creek Mine Academy which will be held at the Center for Mine Training on our Juneau campus. This course also has scholarships available. Additionally, students will receive MSHA safety training, learn maneuvers and driving skills in our simulator, have an opportunity to job shadow at a mine, and meet with HR personnel.
Please remind students of the deadline, January 29th, 2018. See Mr. Lorence if you are interested!

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