High school seniors, and college students who are Alaska residents and planning to pursue a degree in International Studies may apply. Click here for more information. While their website says applications are due March 30, 2003, I received a flyer indicating the scholarship is due April 19, 2013. You can submit your application by email to: [email protected] or mail to: Export Council of Alaska, 431 West 7th Ave, Suite 108, Anchorage, Alaska 99501; telephone 907-271-6237 or 907-278-7233. Due April 19th.
The Tim Akers Memorial Scholarship Fund supports outstanding Alaskan students in the pursuit of technology education and/or training. The Tim Akers Memorial Scholarship will provide an award of $1,000.00. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Click here for more information. Due May 31st!
The Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) Educational Foundation awards more than 30 scholarships each year to prospective educators who have a connection to PDK by having a family member or teacher who is a PDK member or through membership in the Future Educators Association. If you are a member of FEA at your school, you are encouraged to apply. Click here for more information as well as an application. Due April 1st!
the ATIA Foundation offers up to $20,000 in cash and tuition to Alaska students pursuing education related to the tourism industry. Examples include, but are not limited to: Hotel & Tourism Management, Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Restaurant Management, vocational and technical courses, and other programs such as business and marketing. Click here for more information. Due March 29th.
If you want to be a teacher in rural Alaska, this program can help you meet costs of attendance. It begins as a loan, but has forgiveness benefits built in if you teach in rural Alaska after graduation. Your principal and interest may be forgiven in part or in full by the State of Alaska. For more information, click here. The application (nomination form) is attached. Turn into Mr. Lorence or your principal by March 20, 2013.
ANSEP (Alaska Native Science Engineering Program) Summer Bridge is aimed at recent high school graduates who will be attending the University of Alaska (UA) in the fall. The Summer Bridge was started at the University of Washington in the mid nineties as a way to mitigate some of the problems Indigenous students had due to poor math preparation as well as issues related to career awareness and transitioning to the University from rural communities.Click here for more information. Applications may still be accepted; contact the program if you are interested.
The CHS Foundation offers three scholarship programs that focus on developing future leaders in agribusiness and production agriculture. Here are the programs offered:
For students going into transportation, international business or related industries. It is part of the Alaska Community Foundation. Click here for more information. Due April 1st.
For students obtaining a private, commercial, or float plane rating. It is part of the Alaska Community Foundation. Click here for more information. Due April 15th.
For students going into nursing. It is part of the Alaska Community Foundation. Click here for more information. Due April 1st.
PowerSchool Categories
April 2019