Mr. Lorence, Guidance Counselor, PE Teacher, and Aviation and Conservation/Outdoor Skills Course Supervisor
CRSD Guidance & Counseling |
Glennallen Office: 907.822.5286 / Kenny Lake Office: 907.822.3870
I trust that you have had a good summer vacation and are looking forward to the start of the school year! I know that I certainly am! I am excited about the new course offerings you have to pick from, the new staff that we have, and the great learning opportunities that await you. If I can assist you in any way, please contact me at 822-5286 or email [email protected]
Sincerely, Mr. Lorence, Guidance Counselor, PE Teacher, and Aviation and Conservation/Outdoor Skills Course Supervisor Comments are closed.
Hey, students!Be sure to check your GRADE LEVEL page for additional scholarships, awards, and opportunities. Categories
May 2018